Our trainings support leaders to tackle anti-blackness and native erasure in the Latinx community. Ending Structural racism requires us to build racial equity within our communities as well as in the US as a whole. This is even more crucial now as we face the unprecedented challenge of Covid-19. Please join us to explore and build together.

All trainings are online Wednesdays from 1-3pm PST
CORE TRAINING SET: Take all three or individually
- Leading from Latinx Values…… 4/8/20 or 6/17/20
- Latinx Racial Equity Leadership Model…… 4/22/20 or 7/1/20
- Checking Our Privilege……5/20/20 or 7/29/20
SPECIALTY TRAININGS for specific populations
- Black Brilliance…… TBD
- Indegenous Leadership…… 6/3/20 or 8/5/20
We only have space for 20 folks, so register ASAP.
Register here to save your spot!
For questions email: [email protected]
We are sure that like ourselves this time of social distancing is driving you mad… we LatinX folk thrive on gathering and being with each other. As you know, we hosted a gathering on Zoom this week and it lifted out spirits to connect across regions and different LEP cohorts.
Our community needs us to fight for their needs – as we know indigenous Latinx communities are already being left out of many decisions and black Latinx folks are not even counted as Latinx people – our work to build racial equity in our communities is crucial now more than ever.
Since we will not be able to do gatherings in person for now, we will have the following Webinar options to continue to engage our communities in these intense times and support more people having access to our trainings. They are geared toward the following:
- NEW folks who have not taken our original training. We are offering shorten versions of our key topics from our Decolonize Our Future training as Webinars.
- We are also offering 2 special gatherings for Afrolatinx and Indigenous folks – these are also open to graduates as well as NEW folks who are Afolatinx and Indigenous LatinX
- We will also continue to host conversations for Alumni – to support folks in the Government sector and movement makers – we will send new dates for these in mid-April.
Please help us get the word out about our Webinars for NEW folks and the Special Gatherings and share our flyer within your communities and with colleagues. The link to register is on the flyer and here.
We hope that by pulling folks together to build during these times, we can nurture hope and support you in building EQUITABLE and liberatory power!
Know we are with you in SPIRIT and in PURPOSE, to build a society where the beautifully diverse Latinx community can thrive, so all can thrive.
Palabra, Corazon, Concimiento and Collectivism to you all!
Ana, Claudia, Alberto, Amaya, Aa, Fernando and the rest of the folkx on our team!