The Latinx Racial Equity Project exists to center Latine Black & Indigenous values, knowledge, practices, and technology to end racism within the Latine community.

What Leaders Are Saying About Our Work

LaShe Rodriguez

LaShe Rodriguez

Latinx Racial Equity Project training gave me the platform to discuss the racism I experienced from other Latinx in hopes of creating awareness and educating my fellow Latinx. Also, I learned I have a lot to learn about my own Afro-Latinx culture.

Sonya Rosario

Sonya Rosario

After attending, Decolonizing our Future; I took responsibility for past behavior that might of hurt others, and went into action and contacted two women I had not spoken to in several years, though feeling valuable, I also knew that my healing had just begun.


Vanessa Alvarado

I appreciate very much the opportunity to sit and reflect on my status as a Chicana not only from a societal perspective, but also as a professional in my field. This conversation is not easy, but Latinx Racial Equity’s staff facilitated the conversation in a manner that was beneficial to me.


Gustavo Guerra Vasquez

It is of utmost important for our communities to continually grown and engage in equity and social justice work from our diverse viewpoints and the Latinx Racial Equity Project’s convening gave us a chance to continue that plática from culturally-relevant perspectives. Such a space is critical for LatinX individuals and communities who are working towards a more just society and world

Janeth Rodriguez

I appreciated having the space to talk about race within the Latino Community because many times it’s not talked about. I feel more empowered to have conversations with others about race, specifically how we empower each other to change the system to allow for leadership and opportunities for our communities.

Miguel Cordova

This training is timely as we look deep into the struggles of empowering our communities to bring necessary change. It begins with each among us becoming stronger leaders.

Josefina Canchola

The Latinx Racial Equity Project Provided an atmosphere of learning and sharing that was extremely conducive to deep and progressive thinking and communication. I feel very Fortunate to have experienced this circle of exchange that allowed all of us as participants to grow and be exposed to vital information to help we develop as Latino Leaders and advocates.


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