Shared Resources
This page is dedicated to a compilation of resources that we have collected over the years. We hope you find it useful there is a variety of content and topics to explore focusing on Latinx racial equity.

Changes to US Census 2030

Re-Membering Liberation: A Journey Backwards, Forwards, and Into Now

Reflection of LREP Staff Retreat in Ayiti

Healing from Toxic “Latinidad” | Part 1

Prioritizing Rest: A Reflection on Our LREP Team’s August Experiment

International Day of Afro-Latin American, Afro-Caribbean and Diaspora Women

Being a Good Relative

Celebrating Pride Wins & Sparking Joy

Remedios: Dandelion to Spring the Truth, pt. 2

Mothering Freer Futures

Healing Generations Podcast: Decolonizing Yourself with Love for All People

Healing in the Garden

Remedios: Dandelion to Spring the Truth