Healing in the Garden

Healing in the Garden

by Lorena Estrella April is celebrated as Earth Month, which is a time to raise awareness about sustainability, the environment, and climate change challenges & solutions. As we welcome the spring season, this is also a great time to reflect and focus on both...
Remedios: Dandelion to Spring the Truth

Remedios: Dandelion to Spring the Truth

By Heidi Maria Lopez [Herbalist and LREP Managing Director] AUDIO VERSION HERE: Remedios, medicine, and wellness for justice and liberation. This section is really about sharing medicine and wellness practices that can support us in our racial equity and...
Brown Folx 4 Black Lives Statement

Brown Folx 4 Black Lives Statement

We are working with a collaboration of organizations in the SF Bay Area, Brown Folx for Black Lives, to create new narratives about who we are as a community and to mobilize our communities in support of our Black siblings. Our first event last week was a vigil.  Take...
Vigil for Black Lives | Tuesday June 9, 3-5PM Downtown Oakland

Vigil for Black Lives | Tuesday June 9, 3-5PM Downtown Oakland

We invite you to join Brown Folx 4 Black Lives and co-host The Greenlining Institute for a vigil to honor the life of George Floyd, as he is being laid to rest in Houston, as well as many other lives lost due to law enforcement. As you know, Latinx folx are...